- Testnet: Streams
- Stream Message api
- Proxima created streams
- Blocks
- Transactions
- Generalized dex
- Proxima Authenticated data store for streams, document updates
- Blocks
- Transactions
- Generalized dex
- Stream indexer (stream id, stream url, name, data store associated uri)
- Testnet: Processes
- Process creation and deployment API
- Stream and Process indexer
- User connect portal
- Streams/Processes owned
- Deploy stream
- Document store connection, with potential authenticated data strore withAudits and document sync of processes
- Testnet: Bridge
- Beacon/Snapshot contract
- Merkle root verification
- Entity obj hash and parsing
- Hash bytes/stream
- Cache
- Verification of entity, and cache/storage api
- Operation/transaction updates from off-chain, (bulding transactions)
- Solidity, WASM
- Mainnet v1
- User registry with token staking
- Stream ownership with staking
- Process run with payments/staking?